Analogue Vista Clock
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资讯 更多
- Analogue Vista Clock v1.35.0.0 正式版更新 2013-08-16
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Analogue Vista Clock是一款优秀的桌面闹钟工具。它是一款桌面扩展工具,可以停留在桌面上并忽略所有的鼠标和键盘输入,不受其他任何程序的干扰
Analogue Vista Clock 最新版本为1.24
Analogue Vista Clock is an outstanding quality alarm clock for your desktop. This awesome clock is a desktop extension - it will stay on your desktop ignoring all mouse and keyboard input, so it won't interfere with any other application. The communication with the clock, including changing the size, position, transparency level, alarm hour and more, is done using clock's tray icon. Analogue Vista Clock is fully configurable, it allows you to change its appearance - it comes with six superb Vista-look skins, but registered users can download more or make their own skins! It lets you choose from 5 built-in alarm sounds, but you can use it to play any file you want or even randomly play sound files from selected folder/directory. You can define which days of the week alarm should be played. Furthermore, if the alarm is set and the clock is running, it will wake up the computer if it is hibernated or in standby mode.
Analogue Vista Clock ver. 1.24 works under Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7!
Analogue Vista Clock v1.35.0.0 正式版
Analogue Vista Clock是一款优秀的桌面闹钟工具。它是一款桌面扩展工 ...
软件大小:545.07 KB 更新时间:2013-08-16